The LSC Compiler

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S2A, standing for Scenarios to Aspects, is a compiler that translates Modal UML Sequence Diagrams (MSDs), a UML-compliant version of live sequence charts (LSCs), into AspectJ code. It thus provides full code generation of reactive behavior from visual inter-object scenario-based specifications. The S2A compiler is based on a compilation scheme which was presented by Shahar Maoz and David Harel in 2006.

As of 2010, S2A is part of PlayGo.


  • Shahar Maoz, David Harel, and Asaf Kleinbort, A Compiler for Multi-Modal Scenarios: Transforming LSCs into AspectJ, ACM Trans. on Software Eng. and Method. (TOSEM). To appear.
  • David Harel, Asaf Kelinbort, and Shahar Maoz, S2A: A Compiler for Multi-Modal UML Sequence Diagrams, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Fundamental Approaches to Soft. Eng. (FASE'07), Vol. 4422 of LNCS, pp. 121-124, Springer.
  • Shahar Maoz and David Harel, From Multi-Modal Scenarios to Code: Compiling LSCs into AspectJ, Proc. 14th ACM SIGSOFT Symp. on Foundations of Software Engineering (SIFSOFT FSE'06), pp. 219-230, ACM, 2006.