Baby Monitor Specification

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The list below is the Baby Monitor system's requirements in controlled English. These are valid requirements that can be used for natural language play-in.

  1. when the user clicks the increase_temperature_button, the temperature_threshold increases View LSC
  2. when the user clicks the decrease_temperature_button, the temperature_threshold decreases View LSC
  3. when the user clicks a change_temperature_button, the temperature_display color changes to yellow and the temperature_display displays the temperature_threshold value View LSC
  4. when the baby_unit temperature changes, the temperature_display displays the baby_unit temperature and the temperature_display color changes to green View LSC
  5. when the baby_unit temperature changes, if the baby_unit temperature is greater than temperature_threshold, the alert_light state changes to blinking View LSC
  6. when the baby_unit temperature changes, if the baby_unit temperature is greater than temperature_threshold, the mobile_unit beeps View LSC
  7. when the alert_light state changes to blinking, as long as the mobile_unit state is on and the user does not click the reset_alert_button, the light state changes to on and one second elapses and the light state changes to off and two seconds elapse View LSC
  8. when the user clicks the baby_unit_power_button, the baby_unit state changes to on View LSC
  9. when the user clicks the mobile_unit_power_button, if the mobile_unit state is off, the mobile_unit state changes to on, otherwise if the mobile_unit state is on, the mobile_unit state changes to off View LSC
  10. when the mobile_unit state changes to on, as long as the mobile_unit state is on if two seconds have elapsed and the baby_unit does not connect to the mobile_unit, the connection_light color changes to red View LSC *
  11. when the baby_unit state changes to on, as long as the mobile_unit state is on, the baby_unit connects to the mobile_unit and two seconds elapse View LSC
  12. when the baby_unit connects to the mobile_unit, the connection_light color changes to green View LSC
  13. when the user clicks the reset_button, the baby_unit resets and the antenna position changes to close and the antenna inits and the antenna position changes to open View LSC
  14. when the baby_unit resets, the baby_unit connects to the mobile_unit, the antenna position must be open View LSC *

* This requirement is not parsed in the current version of the natural language play-in